A total of three prime rated diesel generators complete with exhaust systems will be provided. These will be housed in the designated area at the left elevation of the building.
A telecommunications room is located on the ground floor and is the point of first fix to the site. Telecom cables are then reticulated through a riser position in the core.
A decentralised Variable-Refridgerant -Volume (VRV) air-conditioning system will be provided. Each ceiling-mounted VRV diffuser is connected through an insulated flexible duct to sheet metal ducts in the ceiling.
The Automatic Controls and Building Management System is a micro-processor based system. Intelligent (computerised) outstations and plant power centres are distributed throughout the building generally in plant rooms and service risers.
Mechanical exhaust ventilation will be provided to the ablution facilities. The installation consists of ceiling mounted exhaust air grilles connected to galvanized sheet metal ducts installed in the ceilings